Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Forgotten Files: Leanara

It has been over two years since I played with Leanara. It was in May2010 when I first posted her photo online (Flickr). She looked so vibrant then. Looking at her 2010 photo reminded me how happy I was when I scored her. I love her bright red hair. I also love her eyelashes. The glitter make-up just makes her look so much fun. She looked happy, as happy as I was back then.

A lot of things has changed since then. I decided to shrink her head. The acetone damaged the glitter but her the rest of her eyeshadow remained. I didn't know if this made her look sad. Or because she was in storage for two long years. For two long years, I ignored her as I played with other dolls, dolls which I eventually forgot about, like Leanara.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Missing Puypuy

Do you know that feeling when you realize that you have been filling a void with the wrong stuff? I have been begging Niel for some attention. I have been fantasizing about different girls. I have distracted myself with toys. I didn't realize that the void I'm trying to fill was a special place for someone.

I accidentally found Snow White today. I thought she looked familiar and then it came back to me. She was my daugther Puypuy's doll. Back then, there was no dark-skinned princess. I picked Snow White for my daugther because she knew how to do household chores even if she was a princess. I heard Cinderella stop doing the chores when she became a princess. It was easier that way to teach Puypuy how to do the dishes and stuff with Snow White around.

When Puypuy and Snow White were together, it was like they were in a world of their own. They were always talking, which scared me a bit but I figured it was just part of growing up.

One day, Puypuy asked for my help. She wanted the fairy tales to be rewritten to include at least one dark-skinned princess. Everybody thought she was stupid. Who would dare rewrite fairy tales? But Puypuy was strong-willed. She never stopped complaining. It didn't matter if no one listened. We all know how that story turned out.

As I was reminded of my daughter's determination, I was filled with a renewed strength. I'm determined to find my daugther.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Like Me

There is nothing like a beautiful dress to lift my spirits up. I look beautiful. I feel confident. I can do anything. I can ask a girl out. She will say "yes!"  It is amazing how much a nice dress can do.  It's like magic.  A girl can never have enough beautiful dresses.  I should tell Niel to make more or buy more.  It is important. There is no other way to be beautiful, to feel good about myself.  I need to be adorned with beautiful things. My self-worth is at stake.

Oh, who am I kidding?  I feel as insecure as before. When I ask her out, she will see through my blue dress and see the unloved doll that I am. She will see that this dress was not made for me, but for some other doll. She will see how I'm trying too hard.  It's pathetic to think that a dress can have a great effect on self-worth. I'm pathetic.

Niel saw me sulking in one corner. We looked at each other and both let out a sigh. He immediately walked away, back to his room. I was back to contemplating. Alone. What if I jump from the top of a cabinet, will I break my neck?

My reverie was disrupted when Niel walked back in. No words were spoken. He handed me one of his toys. She looks like a hooker. Who wears such a trashy attire? Despite of what she wore, she looks tough. She looks like a fighter, an adventurer. I didn't notice Niel leave. I started to imagine all the adventures for her, how she'll fly in the sky defending the helpless.

You know what? She looks like me.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

12-inch Original Action Figure Body (Review)

I have been looking for new bodies for my Star Trek (2009 movie) action figures (AF). Yesterday, I chance upon this unknown AF body at a local toy event. I wasn't able to get the seller's information.

These AF came in three skin tone: the one in this review, a reddish peach tone and an AA skin tone. There was no evidence of a female counterpart of this figure.

The Package

The package is very basic. There is no information about the manufacturer. This, I think, is very fishy. It's like the company didn't want anything to do with the toy. There is no clue about the reputation of the manufacturer. There is no way to send feedback, comments and/or suggestions.

The lack of manufacturer details made me think that this could be a TrueType (TT) clone but some design details are clearly different. (For photos and review of the original TT you may want to visit this site: http://www.mwctoys.com/REVIEW_101510b.htm

The package is able to show what's inside except the feet. The buyer can get an idea of the feet design from the illustrations on the back of the box. One hand design (used for gripping guns, etc) on the box illustration is not included in the content. The figure came with an extra pair of hands (clenched fists) and neck joint.

It is easy to remove the content. The items are secured by adhesive tapes.  The box can be reused to store two action figures and accessories, without the plastic tray.

Once deboxed, the amount of work put in the AF can be clearly seen. I don't have TT figure so I cannot compare the quality of the plastic but this one seems brittle. I think the plastic can crack or break when dropped. This toy needs to be handled with care, more care compared to the Basics or Fashionista Ken. The Ken plastic seems to take some impact and not break. This figure may not have Ken's durability.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tiny Repaints

I once thought that I can dress up my dolls in superhero costumes. When it gets to the fight scenes, I didn't want my dolls to get dirty. They are unlike action figures with molded on costumes. You can throw them in the mud, or paint blood on them and you can still clean them up easily afterwards.

Marvel Universe (MU) action figures are about 3.75-inch tall. That means that their faces are smaller than the fingernail of my pinky finger. (Here is a photo of my hand holding another figure in the same scale, just to show how small they are.) Although the figures are generally nice, some elements lack inspiration. I had to customize all of my female action figures. My latest custom work are the following:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lonely Lolita

Niel is busy with his action figures. He doesn't have any time for me.

I need some company. I have been single for a while now. I can't help feeling lonely. I want to get back into the dating scene. Niel has a number of dolls but only a few caught my attention. A sweet smile has always been my weakness.

I'd like to get to know them better. I don't know if they are into someone like me. I'd like to find out. Hmmm... whom should I ask out first?


Monday, October 1, 2012

September Loot

I have been monitoring my toy spending. So far, this year, 47% of my toy expenditure went to dolls. The 53% went to action figures. For the last six months, 73% was for action figures, while 86% for the last 3 months. Last month, 99.2% was for action figures!

I only got myself one doll item last month, and it's not even a complete doll, just the head. I got a Kira head with a bad afro ponytail which I decided to customize to be a wig-able doll. I want her to look a bit flirty but so far, she looks like this:

Kira, a work-in-progress

It is interesting to note this change in my toy spending. This reflects the change on what I find interesting. Eventually, I will be blogging more about my action figures (or action dolls, as I call them) here.

September Loot

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My First Blog Entry

Hi. This is Lolita. This is my first blog entry.

That will be all for now. I hope you like my pictures.

A letter from the forgotten

(An open letter from Lolita)

Dear Niel,

I don't know if you still remember me. I'm Lolita, well that's what you named me. I'm your fifth doll. I'm actually Storm (X-men), a superhero. I let go of my marvel-ous identity as you welcomed me in your home. Not only that, you gave me a job as model, a family of my own (with my partner Vernie and daughter Puypuy) and new friends. I was really grateful. In case you have forgotten me, I have attached some photos to remind you.

(My first appearances in your old blog)
Then one day, new dolls came in. They excited you. They were new. We all know how important being new is. You wanted to redress and restyle them, give them new looks. You forgot about us, stored in a box. And now you have an army of action figures. Where do I fit in? In a storage box?

I wanted to wear the clothes that you made but you didn't let me. Is it because I'm on the "heavy" side? Is it because I pose like an amateur? Is it because my hair is wild? Please tell me. Am I THAT ugly? I need some explanation. I can take it. I'm tough. You characterized me as a tough woman.

(My old modelling portfolio)

I can improve myself. I'm willing to change if only you give me a chance. I haven't eaten in a while so I'm really skinny now. Plus, I beheaded a Dynamite Girl and snatched her body so I can pose fiercely. My hair, well it is still not what you would call normal but I think it looks better now.

How come Kayla gets all the job? Is there a chance I can get some modelling stint in your blog? Please say yes. Otherwise you should just throw me in the trash or give me to a poor girl who badly needs a doll! Please be considerate.



How are Vernie and Puypuy? I haven't seen them in a long time. Have you forgotten about them, too?


(My response)

Dear Lolita,

I really don't know what to say. Ummm... errr... I'll call you, maybe???


Monday, September 24, 2012

Another idea for Mattel

We almost never run out criticisms on Barbie products. In fairness to Mattel, they listen. I have mentioned in my previous blog that they should do the following and they did.

1. More Asian playline dolls
2. Asian Ken
3. A smiling Asian

So just in case Mattel is listening again, I'm posting this idea here. A lot of Ken collectors have been wanting this so I figured I echo the concern.

How about a rooted redhead Ken? I bet if that comes out even in a less articulated body, people would buy. I guess it would still be cheaper to buy that than to have a Ken head re-rooted with red hair. They can recreate Ken's redhead friend, Alan. Or why not a new Ken for the Dolls of the World line like an Irish Ken? They usually stereotype Irish people as redheads, don't they?

This post was inspired by Ms Leo's blog entry:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rockin' Red

No pair of men's pants calls for attention quite like those red pants. This intense color is worn best by people with dominant personalities, people who can handle all the deadly attention.

For the first two looks, I tried to control the intensity with white, black and gray. The first look is more relaxed but still evokes sensuality. The second look, although very casual, still conveys strength.

The final look is that of a rock star. It's about power and control. A trace of ochre pulls the attention away from the red crotch to the intense face. The dominating red is down-played by black. The withheld intensity, softened by a fur wrap, is just about to explode.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Wow With White

Although white is an easy color to wear, it won't be so easy for a guy if it is so short!

The first look is sporty and typical, almost bland if not for the pop of purple. I'm from a tropical country so a blazer is just not part of out basic wardrobe. A blazer and shorts combo seems new to me, but it is not really out there. That just won't work for someone who knows he is special.

So how do you style a pair of white shorts and make a guy wearing it have that wow factor? Give him a little twinkle and take cue from Tony Manero. This look is not about being safe. It's about being a star. Wouldn't you like to dance with this star?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Blue Bottom

Blue is generally a safe color  for men to wear.  It is fairly easily to style a blue pair of pants. The first look is for a warm weather while the second, cold. Not that they look bad, but there's really nothing new with either. That just won't do for this fashion sensitive Ken.

I was looking for inspiration on how to style a blue bottom when I came across Pause (an online fashion magazine). I forgot what specific article I got the inspiration from, but it was one of those where they feature what actual people wear on the streets. The main trend was a touch of bold colors in men's wear but one guy caught my attention. He was mixing some military inspired pieces with bold colors. It seems like a major mismatch but I kinda liked it and used it in this look. Bold colors seem to make men look softer or feminine but with a touch of a military piece, there seems to be an added masculinity in the look.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Perceived Personality

I have chosen to style these three guys next. Before I do, I tried to figure out the personalities of the dolls. These are just from what I perceive NOW. Things can change. I don't plan to give them names yet. That's how tentative things are with these dolls. They might get a make over later. Who knows? I haven't played with them enough to figure them out.

First is the 2010 Harley Davidson Ken. Without his tattoo, he doesn't seem like a biker dude to me. His hair seemed always in place like he spends a lot of time in front of the mirror. If he is a superhero he would be Super Vain. He could be a fashionista, always on the look out for something new in fashion. I bet his tattoo is false as he seems like a false hero.

Next is Ken Basics model no. 17 from the jeans collection. He's a guy-next-door type, maybe. He doesn't have a strong character but he seems well-educated. He's usually reserved and often has a blank look on his face. Maybe he's into sports like a lot of guys are. Guys next door may be charming but they are close to boring.

Last is 2011 Doll of the World Japan Ken. He has long hair, a non-conformist. He looks too serious like he's always problematizing something. He seems like he has a lot of pent up emotions, always finding some ways to better express himself. He can be an artist--a poet or a rocker/musician. Often misunderstood, he doesn't seem to be the popular so his works don't sell. That explains the frown. He's like a Byronic hero.

Now, who among them gets to wear the red pants?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Last for my high-low

This is my final project for the high-low series, another high-low top. The clothes are really basic. Anyone who knows how to sew doll clothes should be able to make one. The thing I find really interesting these days is the color combo.

When I say i find it interesting, I just don't mean on dolls. I mean, I'm using some colors that pop in my wardrobe as well. Just this year, I bought 3 colored shoes for myself, a turquoise/cyan sneaker, a mustard colored loafers, and a green one with elastic sides. I'm already used to wearing colored tops but I normally just use black, brown (for work) or dark blue (for the sporty look) for footwear. When I was younger I used to have green denim pants but at my age I find it hard to wear colored pants.

So my next project is to style some pants in vibrant colors in male dolls and make it look okay according to my taste, of course. Unlike with my female dolls, I do not want to use too many clashing or matchy-matchy colors. I guess, I don't want to use too many colors in general. The dolls on the background is a sort of preview for my next entries...well that is if I can make it work.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Let's wear it again

I challenged myself to find the top I made last year (1st photo below) and use it in a new look. I was reminded of this top because it still falls under the high-low category.

A classic look

Aside from the challenge of making something old look new, one has to overcome the physical challenge of sorting through a lot of stash just to find that specific item of doll clothing or accessory. It took me about an hour to find that top as it was almost a year since I used it. I almost forgot where I hid it.

This turned out to be a memory exercise and a test of patience aside from being imaginative.

Kayla's quirky new look.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Penny Worth of Thought

This entry is inspired after reading another blog (http://dollsaga.wordpress.com/2012/08/29/when-barbie-was-9-99/). So when did doll prices sky-rocketed?

Some say it was when these dolls were seen as collectible items that could fetch a higher price in the future. That sort of gave them the right to be expensive to start with. Dolls are mainly grouped in two--the collector/limited edition and the play line. That distinction alone spells a big difference in price. Some play line dolls have comparable quality with the collectors edition dolls, so it's not always about quality. It's the mere branding.

At first, I thought it was our fault that the prices went high. We kept on patronizing their products. They saw we were willing to pay so they asked for higher prices.

But then I asked myself, why are we doing that? I realized that they made us. There is this delusion being unconsciously implanted in our minds that a high price means a high quality.

I have a friend who creates custom jewelries. I asked her how she prices her items. She said that one should know the buyer to figure out the best price for the item offered to the specific buyer. Some customers wouldn't buy a cheap item for the sole reason that they are cheap. When she figures out that a certain customer abhors cheap jewelries, she instantly charges them triple the price she offers to her friends.

You have to understand their need for this delusion. The more they can make us pay for something, the more they will earn.

Monday, September 3, 2012

If you're inspired, it shows.

The inspiration top

The handmade top with the third and final high-low skirt... for now.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I'm not impressed...

I'm not impressed with what you can buy but with how you work with what you have, so work it.
- Working Girl Kayla

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The New Look

Old doll. Contemporary fashion. New look.

1. I don't want to buy a new doll. The old ones can still work it.

2. I don't want to buy too many mass-produced doll clothes especially if they cannot be mixed and matched. If everybody will, our dolls will look like they're wearing a uniform.

3. I want my dolls to look different (from yours). It's my way of saying, "I can think on my own."

Monday, July 16, 2012


Male dolls are some sort of accessories to the female fashion dolls. I wonder if the early female Marvel Universe (MU) figures are sort of accessories to the male characters. For one, female figures are usually limited in number compared to their male counterparts. Maybe because they are unwanted by the manly male collectors and sees them as dolls. They end up as peg warmers.

The Giant Size X-men #1 (35th Anniversary) version of Storm seems to be that way. She is shackled to her immobilizing cape making her arm articulation useless as is. All she could do is stand in the background if one decided to pose his/her figures in battle scenes.

That is why I decided to make a custom cloth cape for her. She now enjoys the freedom of motion, something the real Storm character enjoys.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Are People Wising Up?

Mattel Income Slides on Drop in Barbie Sales

Mattel’s profit down 53% on drop in sales for Barbie, Hot Wheels

From now on...  

I will no longer advertise Barbie products for free. 
(Yes, that's what blogs are, free ads.)

I will only talk about Barbie products which satisfy any of the following criteria...
1. OOAK or modified dolls
2. Vintage
3. ONLY available from secondary market (at least the profit doesn't go directly to Mattel)
4. Doll items on sale (with at least 40% discount) from the primary market.
...until Mattel decides to produce good quality and fair-priced dolls.

The rule will be broken only if I'm paid to talk about the dolls currently available in the market.

We have been (consciously or not) telling our fellow hobbyists to buy and buy more dolls but recently, Mattel has been producing dolls not even worthy to mention.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It scares me

It scares me. All those people I don't know, sometimes they're so emotional. I mean, if they love you that much without knowing you, they can also hate you the same way.
- Marilyn Monroe

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Labor Day

Even superheroes need a holiday; time for noynoying.

Action Figures are Dolls

doll   [dol]
a small figure representing a baby or other human being, especially for use as a child's toy.

When I was still closeted and homophobic, I played with action figures and treated them as dolls. Now I can play with both fashion dolls and action figure dolls [redundant].