Saturday, March 8, 2025

Notes on buying 2025 Barbie Basics

1. The selling point for me are the head molds, not the fashion, not the body. I prefer the pivotal, the old articulated Fashionista body or the recent iteration called the Gigi body.

2. I didn't want to have to buy from Amazon since Bezos has ties with Israeli military. I also sympathize with the Teamsters. If I opt to buy from someone locally, I'm sure they will source it from Amazon. Mattel doesn't ship to my country. This is my first time ordering a newly released doll from Amazon and I just learned how high the mark ups are. To be clear, I have no problem with their marked up prices. It's how they earn to be able to continue to provide reselling services. I'm just glad I have the privilege of not needing their services, for now.

3. Related to the Barbie Basics are the You Create Kits currently on pre-order at Mattel Creations. They not shipping to my country means that they don't think of me as the potential buyer, so why should I bother buying? If they will be sold locally via the authorized dealer, I might consider.

4. Barbie Basics model number 3 is a good-enough match to the second to the darkest Mizi clone body. She is rebodied in one below. She's wearing a Xianxian Fashion and so is model number 1, above.

5. I prefer the eye design on the original Barbie Basics. I have repainted a couple of the Looks dolls and I might repaint model 3 as well. I have a different eyes-thetic, that's all. 

6. I hope the next series of the Barbie Basics will all include bald heads and wigs. They can make them wear hair towels and bath robes if the wigs will drastically increase the price. They can sell the wigs as fashion packs.


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