Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Lele Sentinel (No 78087B)

The box could have been smaller by half. There were no extra piece except for Magneto's hand.

Lele is not as popular as Sheng Yuan (SY) with bootlego collectors because of the quality. There some leftover plastic flash in some pieces. The printed lines are bold compared to SY's. The triangles on the chest is a little off-center. The pieces are also a little darker in Lele's.

Guess which is which.
Since Lele is the only one offering a stand-alone (without the Blackbird) Sentinel, it's a practical choice when building a Sentinel army.

It cost for PhP150 in Cubao. I'm guessing this will be about PhP75 in Divisoria.

Back of the box shows an image from an X-men movie.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Bootlegos are more fun than Hasbro's 2.5-inch Avengers

The Avengers is a team and having members missing doesn't make the team as strong. Hasbro left out some characters in their 2.5-inch line so you really can't complete the team. It's a depreciative response to the "Avengers, assemble" battle cry. Way to go, Hasbro, for teaching teamwork!

The Avengers minifigs which are mainly from Sheng Yuan SY275 and SY276

That is not a problem with bootlegos and the minifigs have better articulation than Hasbro's 2.5-inch line. And of course, you can complete even the supporting characters. I still have to find a Falcon and War Machine minifig.

Bootlegos also have better playsets than Hasbro's 2.5-inch line. The former allows the child/adult to be imaginative by giving the person the opportunity to redesign the set.

The best thing about bootlegos is the price. If you had it with big toy companies increasing their prices while lowering the quality, make a statement by not buying their products. Buy something else instead, something worth your pennies. Buying bootlegos is one hell of a statement.

I may not be able to protect the world from increasing toy prices, you can be damned sure I'll avenge it.

Friday, July 10, 2015

It's my fault

I think I may have contributed to the increase in the prices of Barbie dolls. Let me explain.

I'm from the Philippines and the salary here is lower compared to developed countries. Yes, the cost of living here is lower so it seems to balance out. That means we get stuff (rent, food, Spotify etc.) for a lower price. The weird things is we get Barbie for a much higher price. (I collect toys from another line but the price difference is little.)

If a low-income (compared to the rest of the world) person is willing to pay more for a doll, why can't people with higher income, right?

Oh, it's not because of the shipping cost that makes us pay more. We're closer to China (where Barbie dolls are made) so shipping should be cheaper. We're just being used as a test market (along with other countries) for the rest of the world.

From time to time, Mattel increases the price to check if people will still buy. They say that it's because of the increase in the cost of production. Do we believe them? It doesn't matter as long as people are always willing to pay more, like the people in my country.