Monday, September 24, 2012

Another idea for Mattel

We almost never run out criticisms on Barbie products. In fairness to Mattel, they listen. I have mentioned in my previous blog that they should do the following and they did.

1. More Asian playline dolls
2. Asian Ken
3. A smiling Asian

So just in case Mattel is listening again, I'm posting this idea here. A lot of Ken collectors have been wanting this so I figured I echo the concern.

How about a rooted redhead Ken? I bet if that comes out even in a less articulated body, people would buy. I guess it would still be cheaper to buy that than to have a Ken head re-rooted with red hair. They can recreate Ken's redhead friend, Alan. Or why not a new Ken for the Dolls of the World line like an Irish Ken? They usually stereotype Irish people as redheads, don't they?

This post was inspired by Ms Leo's blog entry:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rockin' Red

No pair of men's pants calls for attention quite like those red pants. This intense color is worn best by people with dominant personalities, people who can handle all the deadly attention.

For the first two looks, I tried to control the intensity with white, black and gray. The first look is more relaxed but still evokes sensuality. The second look, although very casual, still conveys strength.

The final look is that of a rock star. It's about power and control. A trace of ochre pulls the attention away from the red crotch to the intense face. The dominating red is down-played by black. The withheld intensity, softened by a fur wrap, is just about to explode.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Wow With White

Although white is an easy color to wear, it won't be so easy for a guy if it is so short!

The first look is sporty and typical, almost bland if not for the pop of purple. I'm from a tropical country so a blazer is just not part of out basic wardrobe. A blazer and shorts combo seems new to me, but it is not really out there. That just won't work for someone who knows he is special.

So how do you style a pair of white shorts and make a guy wearing it have that wow factor? Give him a little twinkle and take cue from Tony Manero. This look is not about being safe. It's about being a star. Wouldn't you like to dance with this star?