Friday, February 17, 2017

One more done on the to do's

I finished repainting the comic Vision although I may have to add one more item to my to-do list. I heard the movie Dr. Strange two pack is overpriced. I might just make one for myself.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Marvel Universe (aka 3.75-inch Marvel Legends) Classic X-men

I find their costumes cute but silly and I'm no 70's kid, but one of my favorite X-men stories The Dark Phoenix Saga was from that decade. I was introduced to it by the animated TV show from the 90's. I could have collected the action dolls with the 90's costume but completing the team was not an option made available by Hasbro. Up to this day, there hasn't been any 3.75-inch Storm doll in her white 90's uniform released by Hasbro. It has been around 8 years yet there is no sign that there will be one.

It must be annoying for other collectors to not be able to complete a team that belongs in the same period of time. No wonder people would rather cherry pick. They don't have the chance to collect them all. The only choice is to make the other characters yourself but would adults really have the time? There's alway better or more important things to do. Younger folks who have a lot of spare time can probably do it, but would they be interested in the older looks (90s below) of the characters? 

I guess that is one reason this toy line is dying. They always leave an empty space in the roster of characters that they don't intend to fill.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Intergalactic photoshoot with Gamora

After I adjusted the red accents on Gamora's costume, I decided to take more photos of her.

The bigger Groot is a Divisoria version. My OC-ness wants to modify the little skulls on Gamora's cape to a better sculpt. We'll see.

And since it's February, I took photos of her with one of her romantic partners Nova. If you enlarged the photos, you will see the strings I used to hang the two in front of the TV. Hashtag nofilternophotoshopbaby! Just water-marks, thanks to Photogrid.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Let's wait

I finished watching the Dr. Strange movie last night and I was inspired to make a 4-inch action doll based on the movie, because I thought none would be released. I was supposed to make one today but this came in the news.

Photo from here.

I'll probably wait for it but if it won't be released here, I'll just make my own.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Marvel Universe (aka 3.75 Marvel Legends) Gamora and the Guardians of the Galaxy

I finally took time to lessen the items in my toy-to-do list. I have created a custom Gamora 4-inch action doll. An official version was released but I felt it didn't fit in with the boxset group. I wanted everyone in their blue uniforms with red accents. The red accents on Gamora's uniform need another coating, I know, but I was too excited to take pictures.

While others opted to use the She-hulk doll as the base (probably because it needs less painting), I find it too bulky. I was afraid that the Elektra doll I used would make a very skinny Gamora but I liked how it turned out.

Hasbro didn't release decent 4-inch figures for the Guardians of the Galaxy  movie. I didn't watch it in the theater. The same is true with the Doctor Strange movie. (Although I boycotted the later because of racism.) I don't know if I will watch the GoTG sequel. Without the toys, probably not.