Monday, July 16, 2012


Male dolls are some sort of accessories to the female fashion dolls. I wonder if the early female Marvel Universe (MU) figures are sort of accessories to the male characters. For one, female figures are usually limited in number compared to their male counterparts. Maybe because they are unwanted by the manly male collectors and sees them as dolls. They end up as peg warmers.

The Giant Size X-men #1 (35th Anniversary) version of Storm seems to be that way. She is shackled to her immobilizing cape making her arm articulation useless as is. All she could do is stand in the background if one decided to pose his/her figures in battle scenes.

That is why I decided to make a custom cloth cape for her. She now enjoys the freedom of motion, something the real Storm character enjoys.


D7ana said...

I used to follow The New Uncanny X-Men with Storm and Kitty Pryde, Nightcrawler, etc. Storm was active; I couldn't imagine her being restrained especially because she was the leader for a while.

But yes, I do think that female characters are secondary/accessories to male characters - generally - in the comic book world because the perceived audience is male (and I assume heterosexual male). I read comic books as a teenager - along with fantasy, mysteries, etc. - but I was always aware that I was not the primary audience for comic books partly based on that assumption and on the scantily clad and nature-defying balloon breasta. Shrug.

Niel said...

I can understand that the generally perceived intended audience for comics are heterosexual males but personally speaking, I find a lot of elements very campy and gay. LOL!

D7ana said...

Oh yes, there are campy and gay elements in comic books. Even back in the old days when everyone was thought to be black or white and heterosexual ;-). Just as I read comic books and I was (and am still, lol) a black female. Shrug. Just goes to show, the market is larger and broader than expected. Ha!